Russia summons the Kazakh ambassador to Moscow over the return of the Ukrainian ambassador to Kazakhstan

Russia summons the Kazakh ambassador to Moscow over the return of the Ukrainian ambassador to Kazakhstan

The incident involving the Ukrainian ambassador to Astana, Peter Vrobelevsky, led to the summons of the Kazakh ambassador, Yermik Kosherbayev, to the Russian Foreign Ministry, according to spokesperson Maria Zakharova. At 8 September.
She claimed that despite Astana’s pledges that Vroblevsky would immediately and irrevocably leave Kazakhstan and “never return,” the promises were broken.

“This man has reappeared in Kazakhstan’s capital, definitely not to ‘pack his stuff and take his family,'” she continued. As the leader of the diplomatic mission, he attends diplomatic gatherings.
“In light of the aforementioned circumstances, on October 4, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Ambassador, Kocherbaev, where he was informed that such a situation is totally unacceptable,” she stated.

She stated that Moscow expects the Kazakh side to not only follow the letter of its legislation, which states that “Article 147 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for up to 7 years’ imprisonment for inciting ethnic hatred,” but also to not follow Kyiv’s lead and that “He is taking action for the swift final expulsion of this abhorrent Nazi.”

Due to the return of the Ukrainian ambassador to Kazakhstan, Russia summons the Kazakh ambassador to Moscow.

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