Algeria announces 8-year prison sentence for late President Bouteflika’s brother

Algeria announces 8-year prison sentence for late President Bouteflika’s brother

Tuesday, the Algerian judiciary confirmed Said Bouteflika’s 8-year prison term in the “Continuity” channel and illicit enrichment case. Said is the brother of the late Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

In the specifics, the Tenth Criminal Chamber of the Algiers Judicial Council declared its support for the decision made by the economic and financial penal pole in Sidi M’hamed against Said Bouteflika, where it found him guilty of the “continuity” channel and illegal enrichment and sentenced him to 8 years in prison and a fine of one million dinars.

The former president of the Forum of Institutions Heads “Afcio” Ali Haddad was found guilty and sentenced to four years in jail as well as the confiscation of all of his real estate, personal belongings, and bank accounts by the Tenth Criminal Chamber, which upheld the judgement.

It is important to note that on September 20, 2022, the Public Prosecutor of the Algerian Judicial Council demanded the harshest punishments for both Said Bouteflika and Ali Haddad. He asked for the imposition of sentences of 10 years in prison, a fine of one million dinars, and the confiscation of all real and movable property and assets for each defendant. Bank with reserves.

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