High school girls join Iran protests on 18th day

High school girls join Iran protests on 18th day

Iranian schools joined the widespread protests that have recently swept the nation, especially in light of Khamenei’s first stance on the demonstrations, in which he supported the police forces while criticising the protesters and claimed “foreign” support for them. Additionally, he stated that the demonstrators “experienced unfairness” from the security personnel.

“He asserted that the protests were premeditated and the work of espionage agencies rather than being organised by regular Iranians, and he believed that the United States and Israel were behind this movement.
Most secondary schools joined in on the widespread protests outside of colleges, and all of the chants were directed towards the ruler of the government, most notably “In the name of freedom, the Islamic Republic collapses” and “The Islamic Republic is not what we want.

An Iranian official was expelled from a girls’ school in Tehran, and students performed a song about the revolution by the imprisoned artist Sherwin Hajipour. High school students also organised a campaign to remove images of Khamenei from classrooms and replace them with the words: Women are life and freedom.
Iranian youngsters disseminated a Persian translation of tyrant Ceausescu’s final address and compared it to Khamenei’s.

Large protests were also seen around Bunk and Akabatan.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s remarks yesterday were viewed as a crisis by observers of Iranian affairs. His attacks on everyone from students to artists to athletes show how dangerous the protests in Iran are and give him permission to use force and excessive violence to put an end to the demonstrations, which have spread to more than 150 Iranian cities.

Major universities came out to protest the dictatorship and Khamenei’s remarks after the Iranian media had finished airing them. After violence against the protestors, the study at Tehran’s Sharif University of Technology was put on hold until further notice. The students shouted, “Don’t call our exit a protest, it has become a revolution.”
In reaction to Khamenei’s remarks, Tehran University students chanted: “Masacres are your glory.

The Bandar Abbas University of Medical Sciences students took part with the chant, “You Iranians have risen. Sharif University has become a slaughterhouse.

The most significant scientific university in Iran, Sharif University, came under intense attack from the security forces and numerous military personnel dressed in civilian clothing. The attack lasted well into the early hours of Monday morning and involved beating students, firing live ammunition, and using tear gas, with dozens of people suffering injuries. Numerous people were detained, and they were taken to a mystery place.

Numerous Iranian institutions expressed support for Sharif’s students and took part in demonstrations against the repression and detention of students from this esteemed institution.
The Iranian regime is afraid of freedom and knowledge, the German Foreign Minister remarked in response to the Sharif University of Technology’s suppression.

Students protested at Razi University in the western province of Kermanshah and emphasised that the action will continue.
Activists made videos and photographs of the security forces’ violent dispersal of the protests, saying that some of them dressed as civilians, shot rubber bullets and tear gas at the demonstrators, and detained anyone shouting anti-regime slogans.

On the 18th day, teenage females protest in Iran.

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