Brazil elections.. Lula and Bolsonaro to run-off

Brazil elections.. Lula and Bolsonaro to run-off

A police motorcycle is set ablaze in Tehran during a demonstration against Mahsa Amini’s passing (Reuters)
In the midst of ongoing protests over the death of Mahsa Amini, 20, by Iranian police, there were numerous events in the Iranian streets as a large explosion occurred in a building in Tehran’s “Brand” neighbourhood. Ambulances rushed to the scene, but the cause of the explosion has not yet been revealed.

The capital city of Tehran’s residents came out in their thousands and gathered around the Sharif University of Technology to support the besieged students who went out in night rallies as part of the ongoing protests over the killing of Mahsa Amini despite the explosions and the security forces’ suppression of protests and demonstrations.

Several films showed hundreds of demonstrators travelling to help the besieged students, who were detained and mistreated by Iranian security forces, on foot and in their vehicles.
Students and protesters screamed “Death to the dictator,” “Death to Khamenei,” and “We do not want the mullahs’ rule” in front of the Sharif University of Technology.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards started shooting at the protesters in the meantime, and they also detained several of the students who were being held hostage as well as the supporters who had gathered.
According to activists, Tehran locals welcomed Sharif University of Technology students inside their houses as a show of support for the Sharif University students’ calls to overthrow the Iranian government.

Calls were also made to support the trapped Revolutionary Guards, Basij, and Special Forces students at the Sharif University of Technology.
The cameras also showed a group of protesters travelling to the campus in cars to accept the invitation.
On their way to Sharif University of Technology, Tehran residents
Videos of the use of shotguns by Iranian security forces on protesters in Sanandaj were also made public by a number of activists.

In this regard, the Iranian Human Rights Organization on Sunday denounced the murder of protesters in several Iranian towns, notably the most recent atrocity in Zahedan, and said that 133 people had died as a result of the crackdown over the previous two weeks.
The “Iranian Human Rights Organization,” according to the article, “confirms” the deaths of at least 92 demonstrators nationwide.

In the meantime, the Baloch Activists Campaign independently released the identities of the 41 protesters who died in Zahedan.
The Iranian Organization for Human Rights reports that as of Sunday, 133 individuals had been killed as a result of the current crackdown.
At a gathering held on September 30, following Friday prayers in Zahedan, to condemn the assault of Chabahar police chief on a Baluch girl, security forces in Iran murdered and injured dozens of protestors.

The governor of Balochistan was quoted by state media as confirming 19 fatalities and 20 injuries from the protests in Zahedan alone.
197 people were shot by security personnel during these protests, including “160 persons were injured by live bullets and the remainder by hunting bullets,” according to the report of the Baloch activists’ campaign.

“Iranian Human Rights Organization director Mahmoud Amiri Moghadam called the killing of protestors in Iran, particularly in Zahedan, “an example of a crime against humanity.”
He emphasised: “The Iranian regime has committed this crime, and the international community has a responsibility to hold it accountable and stop other atrocities.

“Despite the demonstrators’ deadly repression, the Iranian people’s protests, which got started after Mahsa Amini was killed in in the custody of a guide patrol, continued for 15 days.
Three days after being detained by members of the Guidance Patrol at Tehran’s Kesri Hospital, which instantly sparked massive anti-regime protests in Iran, Mahsa Amini, who had travelled to Tehran from Saqqaz with her family, passed away, she was found dead on September 16.

Election results in Brazil: Lula and Bolsonaro to face off

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