Aboul Gheit warns of the repercussions of not extending the armistice in Yemen

Aboul Gheit warns of the repercussions of not extending the armistice in Yemen

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the secretary-general of the League of Arab States, expressed his concern about the failure to renew the cease-fire in Yemen, which expires today, October 2, 2022, and emphasised that doing so is urgently necessary since breaking the cease-fire will worsen the catastrophe.

The Secretary-General urged the Houthi party to defend Yemen’s interests and to actively participate in efforts to extend the humanitarian cease-fire in Yemen in order to ease the difficult reality that the Yemeni people are currently experiencing and to grant them access to their inalienable right to live in safety and to move freely throughout their land.
Aboul Gheit applauded the regional and international parties’ support for extending the cease-fire in Yemen.

He also applauded the legitimate Yemeni government’s declaration that it intends to respond favourably to the UN envoy’s suggestion to extend the humanitarian cease-fire.

Aboul Gheit emphasised the need to extend and include more concerns under the humanitarian cease-fire in Yemen. He cited how the previous cease-fire, despite continuous Houthi breaches, gave the Yemeni people a chance to collect themselves and helped to reduce bloodshed. It made it simpler for the world community to offer relief.

Aboul Gheit warns of the consequences if the armistice in Yemen is not extended.

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