Urgent.. a new crisis in Europe, 18% rise in bread prices

Urgent.. a new crisis in Europe, 18% rise in bread prices

According to the European agency “Eurostat,” bread prices have increased by 18% since last year as a result of the crisis that Europe is currently experiencing.
She stressed that bread costs had risen to previously unheard-of heights.
She said that when compared to August 2021, when the average price of bread was 3% higher than it was in August 2022, this increase is significant.
Additionally, there are significant differences among European nations.

Costs increased significantly in Central and Eastern European nations, in contrast to France, where the rate of rise in bread prices did not surpass 8%.
First place went to Hungary with 65.5%, while the three Baltic nations of Slovakia, Croatia, Poland, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic saw increases of about 30%. Germans saw a 17. 5% increase in the cost of bread.

Due to their reliance on Russian gas and how severely the effects of the war in Ukraine have affected them, they are the same nations that have the highest inflation rates and the sharpest price hikes in the European Union.
There were many crises in raw material transfers between Canada, the United States, Russia, and France before and during the early stages of the conflict in Ukraine.

Fires in Canada and a drought in Russia were two of these problems, which increased the cost of a tonne of wheat to 280 euros.
The battle in Ukraine started as soon as wheat prices started to decline. For fear of running out on the domestic market, Kiev decided to forbid the export of wheat and remove 12% of its products from the market.
This action increased demand against the meagre supply, which caused the price of one tonne to soar to 460 euros.

The same is true for baking paper, yeast, sugar, butter, eggs, and other items, since costs have increased by roughly 20%.
Additionally, the wages of the workforce have increased, accounting for between 30 and 40% of bakery sales.
The point that overflowed the cup was energy prices, as the baking bill nearly tripled or quadrupled to account for 18% of the total revenue after it was only 3%.

A fresh crisis in Europe and an 18% increase in bread prices are urgent.

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