The Yemeni government: We will deal positively with the proposal to extend the armistice

The Yemeni government: We will deal positively with the proposal to extend the armistice

News from Al-Madina The UN plan to extend and broaden the humanitarian ceasefire that expires tomorrow, Sunday, was welcomed by the Yemeni administration, which made the announcement today, Saturday.

According to a statement released by the official Yemeni News Agency, an official source in the Yemeni government confirmed that it had received an updated proposal from the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen today, October 1, 2022, to extend and expand the armistice beginning on October 2, 2022.

The source further stated that the Yemeni government is studying the updated proposal and will respond favourably to it, emphasising that by extending the cease-fire, the government aims to increase benefits for all Yemenis, facilitate their travel, and ensure the payment of salaries in order to lessen their suffering as a result of the Houthi militia coup.

The Yemeni government spares no effort in cooperating with the Special Envoy to overcome the challenges brought about by the Houthi militias, he continued, “despite the Houthi militias’ failure to fulfil their obligations related to lifting the siege on Taiz and stopping the looting of Hodeidah ports revenues, which must be harnessed to pay the salaries of civil servants in the areas under these militias’ control, according to the 2014 payroll.

The Yemeni government reiterated its request that the Security Council and the international community put pressure on the Houthi militias to stop their daily violations of the armistice and to support the efforts of the United Nations Special Envoy to implement all of its provisions, the most important of which is to stop holding the Yemeni people as hostages and using their suffering as a bargaining chip and to stop using state resources and the profits from Hodeidah ports for personal gain.

The necessity of ending the siege on Taiz right once and the importance of not letting the war go on to the Houthi militia leaders.

It also reaffirmed its support for the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Yemen in his efforts to bring about a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace based on the agreed-upon political terms of reference, namely the Gulf Initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, and Security Council resolutions pertaining to the Yemeni issue, most notably Resolution 2216.

It is notable that the Yemeni parties agreed to extend the ceasefire for two more months, under the same terms, and for the period between August 2 and October 2, 2022, as was declared by the UN on August 2 of last year.
This prolongation followed a prior UN armistice that went into force in April 2022 and was in place for a two-month period on all fronts of conflict in Yemen.

Governorates to enable two flights per week to and from Sanaa International Airport, increase the freedom of movement of people inside Yemen, and facilitate the admission of 18 ships carrying gasoline to the ports of Hodeidah in western Yemen during the next two months.

The Yemeni government: We will consider the suggestion to prolong the armistice favourably.

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