“The War on the Uyghurs: China’s Campaign Against the Muslims of Xinjiang” is a book that reveals the suffering of the Uighurs in China

“The War on the Uyghurs: China’s Campaign Against the Muslims of Xinjiang” is a book that reveals the suffering of the Uighurs in China

Author Sean Roberts details how China is using the US-led global war on terror as a cover for its increasingly brutal suppression of the Uighurs in his most recent book, “War on the Uyghurs: China’s Campaign Against the Muslims of Xinjiang.” Roberts also shows how the war’s targeting of an unnamed enemy has given other countries around the world more confidence. on the repression of domestic opposition and the targeting of ethnic minorities in the pretext of battling terrorism.

More than a million of the 11 million Uyghurs living in China today are being kept in what are known as “reeducation camps,” the author noted, as a result of what has grown to be the world’s greatest mass incarceration and monitoring programme.
More readers could learn about China’s misdeeds in Xinjiang thanks to the book’s availability on digital channels like Spotify.

Despite a complete absence of evidence, Roberts recounts how the Chinese government has successfully included the Uighurs in the fight against terrorism and characterised them as a serious terrorist danger with ties to al-Qaeda.

He contends that the transformation of the domestic Uyghur opposition into international terrorism served as justification and inspiration for a concerted effort to eradicate Uyghur identity, and that the militant threat posed by the Uyghurs didn’t materialise until after more than a decade of Chinese repression under the guise of counterterrorism, which served to justify further state repression.

The suffering of the Uighurs in China is described in the book “The War on the Uyghurs: China’s Campaign Against the Muslims of Xinjiang.”

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