Ukrainian forces retake the city of Kobyansk in the north-east of the country

Ukrainian forces retake the city of Kobyansk in the north-east of the country

According to AFP correspondents, Ukrainian forces took back control of the whole city of Kobyansk (northeast) after forcing Russian forces to abandon their positions on the eastern bank of the Oskil River.
Early in September, the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region succeeded in retaking a significant portion of the city from the Russians.

However, when civilians attempted to cross into the Ukrainian troops’ areas of control, the Russian forces remained in their positions on the other bank of the river and engaged in artillery battles.
A first shipment of humanitarian aid was carried by Ukrainian firefighters and volunteers on Thursday via a functional pedestrian bridge that connects the Oskil River’s two banks.

As he handed out 2,000 food parcels given by the British, Kobyansk military governor Andrei Kanachevich declared, “This will be the first distribution of humanitarian aid on the other side.”

In the country’s northeast, Kobyansk has been retaken by Ukrainian forces.

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