Study: High blood pressure inside your eyes leads to age faster

Study: High blood pressure inside your eyes leads to age faster

A new study revealed that high blood pressure inside your eyes can lead to age faster, and scientists said that tension can accelerate the aging process, a discovery that can help us in treating eye problems that develop with our age, including the group of responsible diseases On the loss of sight known as glaucoma or blue water on the eye.

According to the “Science Alert” website, the research depends on the tests conducted on the mice, but the team believes that the same principles are likely to apply to human eyes as well, from the common results of psychological stress even in the most healthy eye pressure (IOP, also known as the name High blood pressure in the eye), or fluid pressure in the eye.

It is known that it is associated with the development of glaucoma, it appears that the physiological stress resulting from high blood pressure may also be associated with biological signs of aging, which can appear as changes in molecular signs on DNA and proteins that control genes that are turned on or turns off.

“The Lagini changes that we have noticed indicate that the changes are acquired in a cumulative way, after several cases of stress provides us with an opportunity to prevent visual loss when the disease is recognized early,” said Oyon Doctor Durotta Scorerska Crozic, of the University of California Medical College.

The team looked at the head of the optic nerve of the mouse eyes – the place where the retinal cells converge at the back of the eye to form the nerve that goes to the brain – where the eye pressure inside the eye was raised artificially.
In younger mice, there was a slight difference when compared to controlled animals, but in larger mice, mice with a slightly high eye pressure showed the loss of axes or nerve fibers, which also happens with glaucoma.

In other words, the older mice looked more likely to change the pressure on their eyes, which leads to damage caused by inflammation and the gradual loss of the cell function that usually takes years to develop normally.

In humans, the researchers believe that the cumulative effect of these fluctuations – and the pressure they exercise on the eye – is responsible for tissue aging, regardless of psychological stress, there are a number of other factors that can cause increased pressure inside the eye, from genetic factors to eye shock to medicines.

As the world’s aging is expected to increase the glaucoma, and it may reach up to 110 million in 2040 if left without treatment, these cases can eventually lead to blindness.
Although there is no way to completely reflect glaucoma damage, it can be managed – and the ability to discover it (and the reasons that led to it earlier) will make a big difference in visual loss..

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