7 reasons to add fibers to your diet … from losing weight to improving digestion

7 reasons to add fibers to your diet … from losing weight to improving digestion

When it comes to providing your body with the essential nutrients you need for appropriate growth and development, the fibers are one of these important plant nutrients, there are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble, directly from ensuring smooth bowel movements to help you get rid of these excess kilograms, cut the fibers A long run in maintaining your system health, one of the most interesting ways to get fiber is vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, whole grains, etc.

, and here 7 reasons drive you to eat more fibers, according to the “NDTV” website.
1- Fiber nourishes the bacteria of the friendly intestine:
Sufficient quantities of soluble and fermentation fibers improve the function of friendly bacteria in your intestine, so consuming the same thing is very important for optimal health.

2- It helps in maintaining the health of the intestine:
It is a common concept that increasing fiber intake reduces the problem of constipation, it is believed that the fibers absorb water and increase the size of stool and accelerate its movement across the intestine.
3- Reduces hunger hormone levels and increases satiety:
Do you know what hunger hormone is? Grillin.

So, eating fibrous foods well ensures that the grated make you feel less hungry, and the cholescinine GLP-1 and the YY fill you, which leads to low eating.
4- It can reduce cholesterol:
Solid -rich diet maintains harmful cholesterol or LDL levels under control, ultimately leading to reducing total cholesterol.

5- It controls high blood sugar:
Therefore, it is believed that diabetics should consume foods rich in fiber, which contains the sticky fibers contains less blood sugar and causes less high blood sugar compared to low fiber foods.

6- Helps digest:
Dietary fiber has great benefits to the digestive system, which adds a large insoluble fiber to the stool, and it helps to prevent constipation, while the soluble fiber that resembles gel tends to slow the digestion, allowing your body to get the maximum benefit of the food you eat.
7- Reduces the risk of colon and rectal cancer:
Colon and straight cancer is the third main cause of cancer deaths in the world.

Several studies have linked eating large amounts of fiber -rich foods and a low risk of colon cancer..

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