Zahi Hawass Document collects 100,000 signatures to recover Rashid Stone

Zahi Hawass Document collects 100,000 signatures to recover Rashid Stone

Dr. Zahi Hawas, the Egyptian scientist, said that we collected 100,000 signatures in our campaign to recover a rational stone from the British Museum, and Zodiac from the Louvre Museum.
“I aim to get one million signatures before sending the petition to the museum. ”
Dr. Hawass announced that there is a document in Arabic and English on his private website calling on Egyptians to sign electronically in order to obtain 100,000 signatures and go to Britain to demand a rational stone.

Hawass said that the British Museum can live without stone due to its large group of ancient Egypt, adding that the British Museum can say what it wants, but it is important to return the Rashid stone, as it has thousands of Egyptian pieces displayed and stored, and its group will not be greatly affected.
“With the whole world talking about the end of the colonization of Western museums, it seems absurd that the British Museum will keep the stone.

The Louvre Museum in Paris also calls for the return of the Dandara Tower, which is part of the ceiling that was previously an Egyptian temple.
“I am waiting for a million signatures, and this is the time when I will officially send the letter, and I will use the press to pressure the British Museum and the Louvre Museum to return these pieces, and the right place must be the great Egyptian museum that will open very soon for the public. ”
Zahi Hawas Document.

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