The Writers Union receives the new members and Alaa Abdel -Hadi reviews the union’s status

The Writers Union receives the new members and Alaa Abdel -Hadi reviews the union’s status

The poet Dr. Alaa Abdel Hadi, Chairman of the General Syndicate of the Federation of Egypt, and the Secretary -General of the Arab Writers Union stressed the fixed position of the union that rejects normalization with Israel.

He added during the department’s performance ceremony for the new members who joined that the union characteristic of the Egyptian Writers Union was fixed in the official documents in the Civil Status Authority, and the financial independence of the union, as the fund’s balance increased from 22 to 39 million pounds in addition to increasing the union balance from 8 million pounds to 36 million and raising the value of pensions And the establishment of a treatment project befitting Egypt’s members of the union.

Alaa Abdel -Hadi said that the General Syndicate includes about 5 thousand writers, poets and creators from the finest book of Egypt, and also includes more than 10 sub -unions in the governorates.

Abdel -Hadi explained that the General Syndicate is an intellectual union and the lawyer, doctor, engineer and journalist have the right to be a member of the union through his creations, stressing that writing is a profession and the union member has the right to register in the national ID card as his profession as a writer, poet or novelist.

Alaa Abdel -Hadi said that the union succeeded in concluding many cultural cooperation agreements with many Arab, international and African institutions that exceeded 21 international agreements, and the union holds more than two years of intellectual and creative seminar per month through the work of 32 committees and divisions, as well as writing workshops as they are held 11 annual literary conferences in the General Syndicate and its ten branches represent all the currents of literature and writing.

At the end of the celebration, the new members divided the writer in accordance with Article 54 of Law 65 of 1975 and amended by Law No. 19 of 78..

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