The Guardian: Send Britain to Ukraine helicopters confirming its intention to enhance its role in supporting Kyiv

The Guardian: Send Britain to Ukraine helicopters confirming its intention to enhance its role in supporting Kyiv

The British newspaper “The Guardian” considered that the announcement of the British Defense Minister, Ben Wallace, his country’s intention to send helicopters to Ukraine for the first time since the start of the Russian -Ukrainian war, last February, confirms Britain’s intention to enhance its supportive role for the Ukrainian side.

The newspaper said, in a report on its website, today, Wednesday, that this step indicates “London’s escalation of its supportive role for Ukraine against Russian President Vladimir Putin. ”
The newspaper stated that the move comes in conjunction with the weight of the British Ministry of Defense that Russia has been about to deplete its stock of Iranian drones after Moscow used many of them in recent attacks against Ukraine.

According to the newspaper, this step comes a few days after British Prime Minister Rishi Sonak announced the provision of an additional aid package to Ukraine worth 50 million pounds, including 125 anti -aircraft cannons and equipment to counter Iranian drones, during his visit to Kev last Saturday.
She explained that the British Ministry of Defense will send three C -King helicopters, and the first helicopters have already arrived in Ukraine.

Wallace, who announced earlier in the day, said that helicopters were sent from Oslo, where discussions are being held with the allies to discuss the continuous military support for Kiev, that Britain will also send 10 thousand additional artillery shells, according to the British newspaper..

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