Spain in the 2022 World Cup .. Learn the culture of Lorca and Miguel Debantz

Spain in the 2022 World Cup .. Learn the culture of Lorca and Miguel Debantz

Spain’s career began against the Costa Rica team in the 2022 World Cup matches, which are held in Qatar, and Spain is known for its culturally multiple heritage due to historical diversity and diversity of Iber ethnicities. The roots of Spanish culture dates back to the Iberian, Celtic, Basque cultures, Latin, Gothic, Catholic and Mauritius cultures.

The definition of Spanish national culture was characterized by tension between the central state on which Castile dominated in recent centuries and many regions and minorities. In addition, the history of the nation and its Mediterranean and Atlantic environment played a strong role in shaping its culture. Spain has the second largest World Heritage sites on the UNESCO list in the world with only 40 sites preceded by Italy.

The term Spanish literature refers to the literature written in Spanish, including Spanish literature by a book that are not from Spain from other types of literature issued in Spain in non -Spanish languages, Catalan, Galiki and Baski literature and given the historical and geographical diversity of generations, Spanish literature is exposed to a large number of influences Very varied. Some major literary movements can be determined within the framework of Spanish literature.

Miguel De Thirbanks is the most famous writer in Spain through his work Don Qukhot, which is the most symbolic work of Spanish literature and the classic foundations of Western literature.
Among the most famous writers of Spain in the modern era is the late great poet Federico Garcia Lorca, who was affected in whole generations in poets and artists in the whole world, and among the well -known writers from Spain, Rafael Alberti, Antonio Machado, and Camilo Jose Thilla..

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