Learn the signs of premature epilepsy and ways to deal with it

Learn the signs of premature epilepsy and ways to deal with it

Epilepsy is a chronic non -infectious brain disease that affects people of all ages, and according to the World Health Organization, approximately 50 million people worldwide suffer Ignore it, according to “Health”.
The main factors that cause epilepsy
• The infection is likely the main cause of epilepsy all over the world, if there is evidence of a brain infection that causes episodes, this is classified as an infectious cause of epilepsy.

• Epilepsy can occur for genetic reasons sometimes occurs in the family and sometimes due to the acquired genetic changes.
• It can also occur due to low oxygen levels during childbirth.
• The cause of epilepsy can be cases that make the immune system attack brain cells.
• Ethnic defects that affect the brain are a common cause of epilepsy, especially for those whose seizures cannot be controlled using anti -spasmodic drugs.

Some birth defects that were linked to epilepsy are the epileptic peel defect, the multiplicity of erythrocytes, and mortarbody.
• The brain is scarred after a head injury and the brain damage after stroke and tumor can also cause epilepsy.
What are the early signs of epilepsy?
Depending on the type of seizure, the symptoms of a person may vary, however, frequent seizures are the main mark of epilepsy.

Signs of Nubia are:
A temporary loss of awareness
-Muscle movements that cannot be controlled
-Problems of communication and understanding
Psychological symptoms such as fear, awe and anxiety
-Breathing problems
-The sudden vibration of hands and the fall of things from the hand
-Stressing in the void
How to help someone with an epileptic seizure?
If anyone suffering from epileptic seizures by taking a few steps immediately can help avoid any kind of injuries.

• Ask people to stay away so that the affected person can breathe freely.
• The person turns on his side, this will prevent them from suffocation due to vomiting or saliva.
• Do not put anything like water, medicine, or any food in a person’s mouth, where a person with epilepsy can be suffocated.
• Do not try to control or stop the movements of the person. While restricting them, they can be harmed, so avoid their imprisonment until the seizure ends.

• A soft towel or pillow must be placed under their head to prevent them from hurting themselves during the fast involuntary movements..

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