How does sleep affect only 6 hours on your body? Healthy tips

How does sleep affect only 6 hours on your body? Healthy tips

A prominent sleep expert revealed that if you get only 6 hours of sleep every night, you are more likely to have a cold 4 times.
According to the report of “Dailymail”, there is a great relationship between sleep and your health, it affects everything from memory to cognitive function, stress levels, emotional luxury and even our skin and public health.
Without 7 or 8 hours every night, you can expect physical, mental and emotional effects, for our physical energy levels, sleep is vital.

About 70 % of the human growth hormone (human growth hormone) is produced in deep sleep, and it is not only responsible for the health of the skin, but each cell is in the body, and this, when we sleep, our brains “remove toxins” from nervous poison that can perform Otherwise, to the fog of the brain, loss of memory, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Emotionally, after one night of insufficient sleep, the cortisol stress hormone can rise by up to 37 %, which makes us feel tense, anxious and upset. ”
The long -term effect of insufficient sleep is worse than that, than 45 % increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease to the second type of diabetes and anxiety disorders.

According to the report, a pre -bed routine can be applied every evening to enjoy a perfect sleep night:
* Always practice deep breathing and meditation and eat magnesium supplement every night, which is also known to enhance drowsiness and relaxation.

* Drink a cup of chamomile tea and avoid any blue light before it settles in bed, blue light, a spectrum of light that suppresses melatonin and contributes to sleep difficulties, emites from your bathroom ceiling lights as well as the bedroom and the phone.
For this reason, even if you are working hard to avoid devices and reduce blue light exposure, this decline will remain at the moment when your bathroom enters to go to the toilet or shower in the evening..

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