A study that defines the best time a day to exercise to improve the health of women

A study that defines the best time a day to exercise to improve the health of women

A new study revealed that exercising in the morning is better than the evening for women in the 1940s and above, as it was found that it is a good way to maintain the health of the heart, according to the “Health” website.
“Most of the public health guidelines are completely timing in exercising and chose to focus mostly on” exactly the number of times and for how long we must be active to get Most of the health benefits of the heart.

However, the new study focused on the peculiarities and generalities of the period of waking and sleeping 24 hours – what scientists indicate as the biological clock rhythm and wanted to know whether it could be there to be a “possible additional health benefit for physical activity” based on the time when people choose to practice Sports.

To find out, she and her colleagues resorted to the previously collected data by BIOBANK in the UK, which followed the patterns of physical activity and heart health between nearly 87,000 men and women.
Participants ranged from 42 to 78 years, and nearly 60 % of women were.
They were all healthy when they were equipped with an activity tracking tool that monitors exercise patterns throughout the week.

In contrast, the heart condition was monitored for a period of six years on average during that time, nearly 2,900 participants were injured, while about 800 people were stroke.
The researchers decided that women who practiced sports mainly in “late in the morning” – that is, between 8 am and 11 am, faced the lowest risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.

When compared to women who were more active later in the day, it was found that women who were more active in the early or late morning had 22 % less risk to 24 % for heart disease.
Those who have mostly practiced late in the morning witnessed a decrease in the relative risk of stroke by 35 %.
However, the increasing benefit of the morning exercise was not observed among men.

Al -Balk also stressed that she and her team “are very familiar with societal problems that prevent a large group of people from practicing physical activity in the morning. ”
However, the results indicate that “if you have the opportunity to be active in the morning – for example on the day of your vacation, or by changing your daily movements – it will not harm you to try to start your day with some activity.

It may also be that morning exercises tend to reduce stress hormones more than exercise late in the day. Therefore, it affects the health of the heart over time..

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