Sultan Hussein Kamel .. Read the British statement by assuming the rule of Egypt

Sultan Hussein Kamel .. Read the British statement by assuming the rule of Egypt

Today, the anniversary of Sultan Hussein Kamel, who assumed Egypt in 1914, passes through the time of the First World War, so what happened at that time:
On the morning of December 19, 1914, the following announcement was issued in the official newspaper and published in the car newspapers and commented on the walls in Cairo and Alexandria, and throughout the country in the places visible to the vision:
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The headmaster of the Foreign Ministry of the Government of Britain, the Great Britain, declares that, given the feet of His Highness Abbas Helmy Pasha, the precedent of Egypt, to join the enemies of the king, the government of His Majesty has seen his removal from the position of Khedive, and he offered this financial position with the title of Sultan of Egypt to His Highness Prince Hussein Kamel Pasha, the largest princes from Muhammad Ali’s dynasty – so accept it.

The Egyptians did not easily accept Sultan Hussein Kamel, and they made him a non -good picture, some of which could notice in an important book “Harafish Cairo” by Abdel Moneim Shmeis.
The book says that the assumption of Sultan Hussein Kamel on the throne of Egypt after the dismissal of Khedive Abbas Hilmi II, with the knowledge of the British, an order that the popular sects met with alienation and booing, especially after Britain announced protection on Egypt.

People were sympathetic to the Khedive Abbas, the isolated, not love in Abbas, but he was hated in Hussein Kamel, and the children were chanting in the streets and lanes, a song that says his words:
God is Abbas Jay neighborhood
Hit a Bomba in the head of the mayor
He is Jay
The mayor is the British accredited
This reminds us of another hymn that was repeated by the children of Cairo before Muhammad took over the rule of Egypt, and the Turkish pasha who attaches the Sultan of Al -Othman ruled the country from the castle, the headquarters of government in Cairo, and this hymn was his words:
Pasha, Pasha, oh
Who told you to do this currency
Sultan Hussein Kamel was narrated from many accounts, and it was said that he was hitting with Karbaj, and he was nervous, very angry.

I have heard from the elderly in the past various conversations about this authority, who tried to satisfy people when he took the throne in the most dangerous period in the modern history of Egypt.
It was said that he went to Friday prayers, in the mosque of Sayyida Zainab, and the mosque preacher attacked him with a violent attack, in his presence, and said that he has no obedience, because the one who is the enemies of the country, that is, the British.

It was said that his leg was alarmed, so they called him “forced fees” and he was famous in Cairo for treating fractures and other bones that were harmonious or terrified, which was called in that era the work of “the missionary”, meaning that forced the bones, so when the teacher entered a drawing on the Sultan, he wanted to provoke him until he was done Blood in his veins, and he directed exciting words to him, which made Sultan Hussein give from his bed to strike with the drawings from which he took place, so he was chasing him in the reaches of Abdin Palace.


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