“Pressing” decision .. The International Book Edinburgh Festival decides to reduce its size for these reasons

“Pressing” decision .. The International Book Edinburgh Festival decides to reduce its size for these reasons

The Edinburgh International Book Festival made “a difficult but necessary decision” to reduce its size due to the “unexpected nature of the external environment” and change the audience’s behavior caused by the cost of living.

“The changes in the behavior of the public since the beginning of the Corona epidemic and the constant frequency of their posts have exacerbated, in addition to the crisis of the cost of living, and the result is that people are attending less events and spending less money – just as the costs are constantly increasing, and indicates All the evidence that this situation will continue until 2023 and beyond.

The organizers of the Edinburgh Book Festival explained that they prepared a wise strategy to overcome this very difficult period in order to “present an economically sustainable book Festival in 2023”.
“The size of the festival will be reduced, including reduction in spending in all areas of the organization and reviewing the delivery of the festival itself . ..

This requires some difficult decisions, and most importantly is to change the incredibly size of the talented team behind the festival and charitable work, and to stop the broadcast activity temporarily And, which achieved great success in the opening of the festival, but it costs a large amount and cannot be tolerated in the current climate.

The full details of the festival of next year will be revealed when the program is launched in mid -June, but it will be held as planned from 12 to 28 August at Edinburgh College of Art.
The organizers said that there will remain a diverse program of events for adults, children and schools, and as usual it will include a large group of authors’ talks, creative workshops and discussions with Scottish, British and international authors.

Work will also continue to prepare for the planned transition from the Egyptian Chefs Association to the new permanent headquarters of the Book Festival at the Edinburgh Institute for Futures in 2024..

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