Iran’s Contra scandal begins with torn documents .. How did the story start 36 years ago?

Iran’s Contra scandal begins with torn documents .. How did the story start 36 years ago?

The US National Security Council employee Oliver North and his secretary Fail Hall began tearing the documents that would have been revealed his participation in a set of illegal activities related to the sale of weapons to Iran and the transfer of revenues to the rebel Nicarajoa group, Northmith was expelled and the Iran’s Contra scandal has become known and became embarrassed and legal problem The administration of US President Reagan, on November 21, 1986.

Just six years ago, Iran became an enemy of the United States after it was held hostages at the American embassy in Tehran at that time. They began selling weapons to Iran, as a catastrophe in international relations, according to the Hittores website.

During the televised listening sessions on Iran-Contra, the public learned that the money received against the weapons was sent to support the Contra in Nicarajoa despite the amendment of Congress Poland, which explicitly prohibits the United States’ help to the Contra and although the Communists have been legally elected in Nicaragua, but that The Reagan Administration sought to overthrow them by supporting the Contra, which is an anti -communist group.

During the hearings between Iran and the Contra, North claimed that the entire Reagan administration was aware of the illegal plan after he admitted that he had lied to Congress, was convicted of tearing the documents and obstructing the course of justice and was sentenced to a slight penalty of the fine, monitoring, and community service.

After a year in July 1990, the Court of Appeal voted to cancel its conviction on the possibility that some evidence may have come from the testimony that Congress had been fortified in his hearings on this issue, while President Reagan and Vice President George W. Bush stressed that they have no knowledge of the plan..

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