How can osteoporosis be prevented? .. Learn the details

How can osteoporosis be prevented? .. Learn the details

About half of women over the age of fifty and about 1 in every 4 men are exposed to bone fracture due to osteoporosis. But there are many things that you can do to prevent osteoporosis and avoid painful fractures, for example, be sure that you get a lot of calcium in your daily diet, and you can get calcium from both foods and supplements.

And check the risk of osteoporosis and change the factors that you can control, in addition to stopping smoking if you are a smoker, according to what was published by WebMD
The very important thing you can do is make sure to do a lot of exercises. Which stimulates new -bone cell weight pregnancy exercises. By increasing weight pregnancy exercises, you encourage your body to form more bones.

Which delays or even reflects the destructive process of osteoporosis that leads to painful or exhausted fractures. By adding strength exercises to the exercise routine, you can improve the strength and flexibility of your muscles and reduce the possibility of falling. Talk to your health care provider about your right exercise options.
Risk factors for osteoporosis
The average bone loss varies from person to person. But in middle age, the bones become thinner.

Many things affect the speed or slow bone loss.

The level of your activity
How much do you get calcium
Your family’s history
Your history of taking some medications, such as corticosteroids (a type of steroid drug that limits inflammation), or other drugs that inhibit the immune system
Life style habits, such as whether you smoke or the amount of alcohol you eat
Whether you suffer from certain chronic diseases that affect the kidneys, lungs, stomach and intestine, or changing hormone levels
The beginning of menopause
Menopause, estrogen and osteoporosis
Estrogen is important to maintain bone density in women.

When estrogen levels decrease after menopause, bone loss speed increases. This can happen with normal menopause or early surgical menopause if the ovaries are removed..

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