Biden celebrates his eighty birthdays away from the limelight

Biden celebrates his eighty birthdays away from the limelight

The US President preferred to celebrate his eighty birthdays without festive manifestations, although it is the first time in the history of the United States that the US President has reached his eighty in the head of his post.
Biden, who is arousing his life, especially as he is considering candidacy for a new term, did not degrade this occasion in any festive atmosphere according to Russia today.

It took it until Sunday afternoon, so that his wife, Jill Biden, published on Twitter an emotional message that I attached to two pictures of their gathering together.
“I don’t want to dance with anyone else. Happy birthday Joe! I love you,” Gil Biden wrote in her tweet.
Unlike this tweet, the White House did not issue any statement or post on the president’s birthday. It was not clear how Biden will celebrate his birthday or whether he would do so mainly.

But Biden celebrated the White House of the wedding of his granddaughter Naomi, at a ceremony that the press did not allow his presence.
The reach of Biden does not seem to be uncommon in the ranks of a political class in which young faces are rarely pushing many to call the authority of the elderly.

For example, the outgoing speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, is 82 years old, while the leader of the Republican minority in the Senate Mitch McConnell is only two years, while the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate Chuck Schumer soon celebrates his 72nd birthday.

As for the slim president who does not smoke or drink alcohol, he is still physically active, and he has not faced any major health problems since he underwent an operation after he was stretched in the brain vessels that threatened his life in 1988.
A year ago, after an intense medical examination, the doctors said that Biden was suffering from a few minor diseases and concluded that he was “able to do his duties. “.

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