Tips to reduce acne infection, most notably eating certain foods and good sleep

Tips to reduce acne infection, most notably eating certain foods and good sleep

Acne is one of the annoying symptoms that many people develop, so nutritionists share easy ways to prevent acne in adults, and learn how to manage stress by eliminating it.
The report published on the “Indiatoday” website explained that most of the people who have not had acne in adolescence may suddenly see their skin in old age, and it differs from the type of acne that a person suffers from during adulthood.

Many young people in a stage of their lives are in love with their own t in their T area, i. e. the forehead, nose, lower cheeks, chin, lip, up to the top of the back and shoulders, and they are noticeably seen at the age of puberty and people must take care of themselves to prevent the appearance of any acne, which means usually Hormonal imbalance in the body.

The nutrition expert confirmed that nutrition must be more fit, hormone, healthy and balanced, and the difference between acne in adults and acne in adolescence is that there are no signs from the latter, while the first leaves behind dark spots on the dermis and the dermis layer of leather is the second layer yet The skin, the upper layer of the skin.

The report provided the most prominent and most important advice to reduce and get rid of acne, including:
-Sleep quality
Sleep is one of the important things that reduces the chances of acne, as hormones are organized during sleep, so you do not need to sleep more than 8 hours, you need a good sleep, and not only the amount of sleep, start sleeping early between 9:30 pm until 11 pm Good health is reflected on itself, and when the skin improves
-Playing sports
Exercising of weightlifting exercises, adopting the muscular system, increasing muscles and maintaining bone density to enhance growth hormone, and growth hormone begins to decrease, but you do not want him to decrease or collapse, sleep on time and exercise, do at least one force training session every week.

Diet for acne
There are 3 important foods for acne, which are low -value foods that are actually great for the skin but we never use them, it is coconut rich in essential fat and is also more intense with minerals such as selenium and manganese, which will help you in insulin sensitivity, and the basic fat will maintain the freshness of your skin and youth And dry coconut fights the craving of sugar after lunch.

If you want to eat something sweet, it will suffice with a small piece of coconut, bananas, it is a good food for acne and its treatment because it enhances the hormone progesterone and it also helps to balance the high levels of testosterone..

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