The Ukrainian army admits that it may be involved in the fall of the missile on Poland

The Ukrainian army admits that it may be involved in the fall of the missile on Poland

Yuri Egnat, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Command, admitted, in an interview with the Washington Post, that a Ukrainian missile shrapnel may have fallen over the territory of Poland.
“During the Russian attack on Ukrainian infrastructure sites on Tuesday, Russia and Ukraine fired a lot of missiles, to the point that the missile shrapnel that hit Poland could be Russian or Ukrainian in origin,” the American newspaper quoted Agenat as saying.

In his speech, the Ukrainian spokesman assumed that “anything might be the result of this confrontation. ”
He stressed the need to implement a joint Polish -Ukrainian investigation about the accident.
On the evening of November 15, a Poland missile landed near the border with Ukraine, and killed two people, according to Polish information.
As part of an incitement against Russia, Poland and Ukraine were quick to accuse Moscow of the incident and beg for NATO intervention.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it did not strike any strikes against targets near the Ukrainian-Polish border, pointing out that the pictures published for some of the missile wreckage have nothing to do with Russian weapons, and return to the S-300 missiles that Ukraine inherited from the Soviet Union, while Russia abandoned the use of this The type of missile for years.
Source: Novosti.

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