A man tries to commit suicide to get rid of his wives … accidents in the 1929 press

A man tries to commit suicide to get rid of his wives … accidents in the 1929 press

Accidents restore themselves, nothing changes, but some accidents contain a comic sense, despite the tragedy, from what was published by the “World Photographer” magazine in the October 30 issue in 1929.

The magazine says under the title “Under the Heaven of Egypt”
Imam Khalil Al -Dimashwi, one of the people of ancient Egypt, married twelve women, but he did not improve their intercourse, so they all judged him and their word was united against him, among them the divorced, the bitter, the anger and the close, and the Sharia court sentenced them to expenses whose amounts vary according to the value of each of them.

And the man broadcasts the assumptions of alimony for two years while he was pushing it as a small, and if he does not enjoy one of them with the bliss of the marital, and he did not live away from the woman, so he took four wives, then he was tense, then he divorced some and deserted some and married five.

The word of the four wives united on the plot of the treacherous husband’s feathers, and his judge, and the court issued a ruling against him all of them, but he was unable to pay those accumulated expenditures and defy the rulings issued against him, and he did not pay one of them one millions.
He complained again, and a sentence was issued against him, and he fled, leaving ancient Egypt, escaping from the requests of his many wives and the requests of the prosecution and the police.

But he felt that the police were keen to search for him in a tirelessness or boredom, and he took himself suicide.
At one o’clock in the morning last Thursday, he threw himself in the Nile, close to the Department of ancient Egypt.
“Hoshuni, my world, is . . . one loss, like you die.

And the policeman Hijazi Karim and Muhammad Ibrahim al -Marrakebi rushed to him, and they threw a wooden appearance in one of the anchored boats, so he grabbed it and remained stuck with it until he reached the beach while he was in a dangerous state.
He immediately sent an ambulance request, and I made the necessary procedures for him to recover his powers, and the investigation began with Lieutenant Saleh Effendi Zaki in the Department of Ancient Egypt.

The investigation ended in sending the suicide to the detectives pen to implement the legal rulings in it.
The strange thing about the matter of this man who led the love of marriage to bankruptcy and imprisonment, and almost led him to perishing that he possesses many real estate and stables the number of good horses and transport vehicles, and his monthly revenue is not less than fifty pounds.

But his marital problems and his issues with his wives were the most important reason for his confusion in his work until their administration worsened.
However, what do you think wearing?
List of despicable cloth and cheap robes, and finally in a language inlaid with patch and vertebrae “almonds”..

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