6 natural ways to treat your child’s cough .. most notably honey and chicken soup

6 natural ways to treat your child’s cough .. most notably honey and chicken soup

With weather fluctuations, the chances of many children infected with severe colds, which are accompanied by coughing, and this impedes the child’s ability to sleep at night, and there are many healthy tricks that contribute greatly to relieving coughing in children, and is presented by “Parents”.

– Bee’s honey:
It is one of the natural tricks that contribute to calming the night cough in children, as it contains some antimicrobial and inflammatory properties, which work to reduce coughing, and the symptoms of colds, so you can give the child a tablespoon of it on an empty stomach, as it contributes to strengthening the immune system, as You can sweeten hot drinks.

– chicken soup:
It is a good natural that contributes significantly to reducing the feelings of coughing in children, as it contains anti -inflammatory properties, and therefore your child eats her to reduce the feeling of feeling and coughing, and also contributes significantly to reducing exposure to any complications related to colds.

Hot or warm drinks:
It has a major role in reducing coughing in children, and contributes greatly to obtaining enough sleep, and also contributes greatly to reducing the severity of the throat, and it also has a major role in dissolving phlegm in the chest, so you can eat anise, mint, or thyme.

– Play a moisturizer and air legs:
It has a great role in purifying the air and calming the night cough in children, due to the relief of nasal and throat congestion, and this was confirmed by the American centers to control and prevent diseases.
Rinse with water and salt:
It has a major role in calming cough in children, as it works to purify the upper respiratory system, which significantly reduces coughing..

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