Zellinski on the “Poland missile”: I don’t know what happened

Zellinski on the “Poland missile”: I don’t know what happened

Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski said today, Thursday, that he “does not know what happened” in Poland, where a missile landed on Tuesday, killing two people, after he confirmed that the shell was “Russian”.
“I don’t know what happened. We do not know with certainty. The world does not know. But I am sure that it is a Russian missile and is also sure that we have shot from air defense systems,” Zellinski said in a statement of the Ukrainian presidency.

The United States and its Western allies clashed with Russia in the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday for responsibility for the deadly missile attack in Poland near the Ukrainian border.
“This tragedy would not have occurred had it not been for the unnecessary invasion of Russia to Ukraine and its recent missile attacks on the civil infrastructure in Ukraine,” the American delegate, Linda Thomas Greenfield, told the council.

Russia’s representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nippinsia, accused Ukraine and Poland of trying to “raise a direct clash between Russia and NATO.
Nippinsia pointed to the statements of the Ukrainian president and Polish officials, which initially indicated that Russia is responsible for the missile.

However, the President of NATO and the President of Poland said on Wednesday that there is no indication that it is a deliberate attack, and that it is likely that it would be a Soviet shell launched by Ukraine because it was blocking the Russian missiles and aircraft that destroyed the electricity network and hit residential buildings..

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