The throne of France, Rayeh Jay, between Napoleon and Louis XVI .. Know the story

The throne of France, Rayeh Jay, between Napoleon and Louis XVI .. Know the story

Today’s the 167th anniversary of the birth of Louis XII, the King of France and Navarra, the brother of Louis XVI, and the seventeenth of Louis, who ruled the Kingdom from 1814 to his death in 1824, included it for a short period in which he lost the ruling in 1815 after the return of Napoleon Bonaparte in what was known In the name of a hundred days.

The throne of France was transferred between Louis XVI and Napoleon Bonaparte after the French Revolution more than once, until the throne of the French authority became “Rayeh Jay” between the authority of General Bonaparte, the leader of the French campaign against Egypt, and the brother of Louis XVI, the last king of France before the outbreak of the revolution.

Louis XVI won the title of Count Provence as a brother of King Louis XVI until his arrival at the throne of France, where the French National Congress canceled the monarchy and the isolation of Louis XVI, which was later executed in the guillotine, on September 21, 1792, while Count Provence himself declared a king (honorable) in the name of Louis eighteen; And that is when his young nephew Louis seventeen died in prison in June 1795.

Louis XVI lived in exile in Russia, England and Russia after the French Revolution and during the Napoleon era, Louis XVI was placed in the position he and the French kingdoms considered his right place, when the sixth coalition finally defeated Napoleon in 1814, but Napoleon returned from his exile in Elba and restored his empire. Here, Louis 8 fled, and the seventh coalition declared the war on the French Empire, Napoleon was defeated again, and Louis XII again returned to the French throne.

Louis XVI he assumed the position of the king for a period of less than ten years, as the government of the Bourbon was a constitutional property, unlike the old French regime, which was absolute property and the royal concession of King Louis XVI decreased, as a constitutional king, greatly under the Charter of 1814, It is the new constitution of France, its return in 1815 to a second wave of white terror led by the extremist royal faction, and Louis came to the Parliament in the following year, which is referred to as the Board of the Council, which led to the emergence of liberal beliefs.

Louis 8 was the last French king to die during his rule, and Charles X (1824-1830) assumed the throne and wasolated Luis Philip I (1830-1848) and Napoleon III (1852-1870)..

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