Report: The Iranian enricitations are made with American and Japanese components

Report: The Iranian enricitations are made with American and Japanese components

Intelligence information published by Wall Street Journal showed that most of the Iranian drones that were shot down in Ukraine are being made inside companies in the United States, Europe and other allies.

The Iranian marches that played a growing role in the war launched by Russia on Ukraine are manufactured by American and European companies and the paradox that they came in conjunction with the escalation of the Western sanctions chain on Iran and the companies participating in the production or transportation of these aircraft.

New intelligence information was shocking to Western officials, and the Americans specifically, according to the report published by Wall Street Journal, especially that three quarters of the components of these drones that were shot down in the American -made Ukraine.

Ukrainian intelligence reached these results after verifying the cutting of these drones that were shot down, including an Iranian-6 immigrant plane that was hacked in the middle of the flight and the results of the investigation landed were shocking.

Of more than 200 technical components identified by Ukrainian investigators, almost half of them were manufactured by US -based companies, and a third of Japanese companies, and the high -resolution infrared infrared lens used in an immigrant – 6 to monitor identical to a model made by Upper Obtronis Soloshin in addition to a group of Electronic ingredients are designed by a company owned by Germany.

There is also evidence provided by the International Science and Security Institute that Chinese companies provide Iran with copies of Western commodities to produce drones.
The results provided by the Ukrainian intelligence prompted the US government to conduct an immediate investigation, but those responsible for export control in the United States and companies that made aircraft parts were unable to confirm the source of the components.

Japan’s embassies, Germany, Israel and China in the United States, also refused to comment on the matter..

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