Malaysia records 3457 new cases of Corona

Malaysia records 3457 new cases of Corona

Malaysia has announced the recording of 3457 new cases of Corona virus during the past twenty -four, raising the total number of cases in the country to four million and 960 thousand and 179 cases, since the start of the pace.
The Malaysian newspaper “The Star” today, Friday, quoted the “Kofid Now” electronic portal, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Health, as saying that among the new cases of injury, two cases from abroad, and 3455 local injuries.

Malaysia recorded 9 deaths due to the virus, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 36,583 cases.
The electronic portal added that 3736 cases were recovered yesterday, Thursday, and the total number of active cases in Malaysia reached 27,877 cases, including 46 cases in the intensive care units..

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