5 natural herbs to calm headaches without pain relievers

5 natural herbs to calm headaches without pain relievers

Natural remedies can help relieve bumps, bruises, as well as headache and migraines, which means that you may not have to reach directly to the painkillers tray when you start feeling pain, according to the Counterliving website.
1 – Rayhan
It has an analgesic effect, as it helps to stimulate natural processes in the body and relieve pain.
Add 3 or 4 fresh sizes to a cup of boiling water and let them ripen. Once it is cooked on low heat, soften the drink slowly.

Instead, you can chew some fresh basil leaves (this also helps to revive the soul) or inhale the steam after boiling basil in a bowl.
2 – Wild mint
Wild mint acts as a mild sedative, which is another alternative physical therapy for migraines. The plant works as a light analgesic and has been used in traditional herbal science for centuries. It also has anti -inflammatory properties that help reduce stress and anxiety, which is often the source of migraines.

3 – Chamomile
A cup of chamomile drink can reduce the severe headaches caused by stress. Chamomile tea can also act as an anti -inflammatory and help reduce muscle spasms.
4 – Mint
It has excellent properties for a variety of diseases, including migraines and colds. Mint tea contains antioxidants that help reduce headache pain.
How to use: to prepare mint tea, gently boil water, pour over mint leaves and cover for 10 minutes, then filter the leaves, pour into your favorite cup and relax.

5 – Lavender
Flood flowers contain anti -spasmodic medical compounds that help relax the blood vessels and small muscles around the scalp and eyes.
How to use: to inject lavender, use 15 to 30 grams of dried lavender flowers per liter of water. Adults can also inhale the essential oil for fast rest..

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