10 signs of the border personality … including harm to self -eating

10 signs of the border personality … including harm to self -eating

Modern personality disorder is a mental illness that strongly affects a person’s ability to organize his emotions, and the loss of feelings of feelings can lead to increased impulsivity, and the influence of a person’s feeling of himself, and negatively affecting his relationships with others, and effective treatments are available to manage the symptoms of border personality disorder According to the Mayoclinic website
People with border personal disorder may suffer from severe mood swings and feel uncertain about the way they see themselves, and their feelings towards others can change quickly.

Signs or other symptoms include the following
1 – indulging in relationships – or ending them at the same speed.
2 – A pattern of strong and unstable relationships with family, friends and loved ones.
3- A distorted, unstable, or self -sensation image.
4 – Often reckless and dangerous behaviors, such as tunnels, drug use, reckless driving, and eating.

Please note the following: If these behaviors often occur in times of mood or high energy, they may be symptoms of mood disorder and not a border personality disorder.
5- Self -harm behavior, such as the wound.
6 – Repeated ideas about suicide behaviors or threats.
7 – The extreme and very changing mood, with episodes that last a few hours to a few days.
8 – Chronic feelings of emptiness.
9 – extremely inappropriate anger or anger control problems.

10 – Feeling of separation, such as feeling separated from oneself, observing himself from outside his body, or feeling unrealistic.
Not everyone with a border personality disorder may suffer from all these symptoms..

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