The occupation claims to thwart the assassination of an Israeli businessman in Georgia

The occupation claims to thwart the assassination of an Israeli businessman in Georgia

Al-Madinah News:- The Hebrew newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” said that the Georgian authorities thwarted an Israeli businessman attempt by an Israeli cell that Iran has entered into the mission.
She claimed that the cell arrested by the local authorities consists of a Pakistani citizen and other individuals with Iranian and Georgian nationalities, without specifically indicating their number.

A statement by the Georgian Intelligence Service (GIS) said that a Pakistani man entered from another country was supposed to carry out the operation, and in addition, a number of Georgian Iranians smuggled weapons and equipment to Georgia to help the operation.
They added that the Pakistani man received information before entering Georgia from a third country, where he was renting an apartment, and then chased the Israeli who was about to kill him.

Without referring to the identity of the target businessman.
The Georgians said that the Pakistani weapons and customers were not in contact with each other in order to avoid their discovery. Another source said, “The coordination between the group and the port was made from abroad,” and that weapons and ammunition were hidden in several different places throughout the capital, Tbilisi.
Arab 21.

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