The Belarusian Governmental Border Committee has announced the announcement of a Ukrainian reconnaissance march

The Belarusian Governmental Border Committee has announced the announcement of a Ukrainian reconnaissance march

The Belarusian Governmental Border Committee announced that a plane equipped to survey on the border with Ukraine after penetrating the country’s atmosphere of Ukrainian territory.
The committee said in its channel on “Telegram”: “A new Ukrainian provocation, another running plane was shot down on the border with Ukraine,” according to the Russian Novosti agency today, Wednesday.

The committee explained that the border guards, 100 meters from the Belarusian -Ukrainian border, shot down a “Quadkopter” plane heading from the Ukrainian side to the lands of Belarus in the Cobrin region.
According to the committee’s report: “The plane was shot down by a border patrol of a Kalashnikov attack rifle. Upon examination, it was observed with a video camera, used for survey and photographing the technical means to protect the border on the lands of Belarus.

The committee indicated that a similar incident occurred on November 2, a kilometer from the Ukrainian Belarusian border in the Jumil region..

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