Sources: Vietnam is close to obtaining $ 11 billion as a financing package to turn into renewable energy

Sources: Vietnam is close to obtaining $ 11 billion as a financing package to turn into renewable energy

Informed sources said that Vietnam will follow the example of Indonesia and South Africa in efforts to end the economy’s dependence on energy as an energy source and expand the use of renewable energy sources.

The Bloomberg News Agency quoted the sources as saying that Vietnam and donor countries led by the European Union and Britain intend to announce the “Energy Transition Partnership” financing agreement, which can provide Vietnam with funds of about 14 billion dollars during the European Union Summit and the Southeast Asian Association (ASEAN) on December 14th Next.

According to the sources, Vietnam will receive between 5 and 7 billion dollars in the form of loans and general grants, while the remaining part of the private sector will be provided.
According to the sources, about 85% of the aid package was agreed, while the Vietnamese Energy Sector’s Carbon Energy Sector is still a discussion.

An informed source said that Vietnam studied the agreement between Indonesia and the donor countries to finance the transformation plan in the energy sector, which was announced earlier this week..

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