Russian bombing targeted the city of Odessa .. Washington encourages a political solution to end the war

Russian bombing targeted the city of Odessa .. Washington encourages a political solution to end the war

The Russian private military operation in Ukraine continues today, Thursday, where units of the Russian army are hitting the places of the Ukrainian forces stationed, while Kyiv continues to try to restore its lands that Moscow has controlled with Western support.

In the latest field developments, a state of air alert was announced in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities in anticipation of Russian attacks, while the Ukrainian army reported that Russian bombing had been targeted by the city of Odessa, and Ukrainian media reported that a series of explosions occurred in the city of Dnibro.
The Russian Douma said that Ukraine will be obligated to pay compensation for its attacks in Crimea, Donbas and Zaburiia.

The head of the American Staff, General Mark Mili, said that the possibility of Ukraine pushing Russia to withdraw from its territory is small.
He ruled out Ukraine’s ability to win now, as Millie stressed that he encouraged the political solution to end the Russian -Ukrainian war.
The head of the American Staff added that Russia maintains a balanced combat capabilities inside Ukraine.

Speaking of negotiations, Milli said that President Biden was clear that Ukraine had the timing and form of negotiations with Russia.
In the field, Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski denied that the missile that fell in Poland was to firing his forces, and Zelinski called for enabling his country to visit the site, and demanded that it be provided with the details of the investigation of the incident.

This comes as Moscow called for Poland to stop what it described as anti -Russian auctions. The Russian Ministry of Defense stressed that the army did not hit any targets in the Ukrainian border area, and all Warsaw’s statements about Moscow’s provocative involvement.
Zelinski had accused Moscow of hitting a farm in Poland on Tuesday, considering that this behavior is a clear message to the Group of Twenty, “according to” France Press.

On the other hand, a US national security spokeswoman said it is clear that the party responsible for the incident is Russia “whatever the result of the final conclusions. ”
The White House reported that Russia is eventually responsible for the missile, noting at the same time that nothing contradicts the hypothesis that the missile that struck Poland fired from the Ukrainian defenses..

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