Learn about “non -surgical” treatment for benign prostate enlargement

Learn about “non -surgical” treatment for benign prostate enlargement

If you are more than 50 years old, you have one in three chance of infection with the benign prostate enlargement (BPH), which is the most common benign tumor in men, and according to what Hopkinsmedicine said it causes benign prostatic enlargement symptoms such as lack of control of the bladder and increased frequency of urination, urgency and pain And for those with slight symptoms, changing medications or diet can help, but with increased symptoms, surgery is often the next step.

But for men who are not nominated for surgery or have a strong desire to avoid surgery, the prostate artery (PAE) is a new therapeutic option.
Brian Holly interventional specialists explain what you should know about the prostate artery valve and whether it is suitable for you.

What is Pae?
PAE is a non -surgical procedure that reduces blood flow to the prostate, and thus reduces its size and symptoms, an interventional radiologist, who uses X -rays and other imaging techniques to see inside the body and treat cases without surgery.

Who is the candidate to get Pae?
The PAE procedure is the best for non -eligible candidates due to the health conditions present or not interested in traditional surgery, and a test with an interventional radiologist can determine whether you are a candidate for the Pae program at this date, he may ask about the number of times you suffer from symptoms of urinary prostate enlargement, The extent of its intensity, and the extent of its impact on the quality of your life.

Men with smoking -related heart disease or diabetes may not be candidates for PAE procedure.
What are the benefits on Pae?
Microscopic injection procedure is less than other procedures so that patients can return to their normal life sooner, PAE procedure can also have a risk less than incontinence and sexual side effects, when compared to the most engraved surgical procedures such as prostate removal through the urethra (TURP)..

How effective Pae?
PAE is a new and promising procedure in a study published in 2016, 630 patients underwent the prostate artery bitten process. The study found that the procedure had a positive effect on the symptoms of urinary tract as well as the quality of life in general, and this positive effect continued 1-3 years in 82 % of Patients lasted 3-7 years in 76 % of patients. In addition, urinary incontinence or sexual dysfunction has not been reported.

With the high success rate of Pae, men who are not eligible for surgery can improve their quality of life by eliminating or reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy..

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