If you have pets .. I know how to avoid parasitic worms infection

If you have pets .. I know how to avoid parasitic worms infection

A pet can have many positive effects on your health, physically and mentally, however, there are diseases that your pet can transmit to you or your family, one of which is parasitic worms infection, we will explain everything you want to know about how to avoid this infection in the following report according to what Published by “Healthniws”.

What is parasitic worms infection?
Parasite worms are a group of parasites that usually include round worms (scarf) and hook worms, these worms can cause infections within your pet’s bowel, while sometimes your pet can show symptoms of infection such as weight loss, vomiting and refusal to eat, it seems that Many pets are healthy.

How is parasitic worms infection transmitted?
Eggs and larvae of these parasitic worms are passed in a stool of an infected pet and can survive for months and even years in gardens, playgrounds and squares.
Roundworm infection occurs due to the swallowing of eggs accidentally in the soil, sand or polluted plants, as the larvae of the plastic worm penetrates the skin when people sit or lie in contaminated areas or walk barefoot.

In general, children are more likely to develop parasitic worms because they are more likely to put contaminated things in their mouths or eating dirt as well, often crawl and play in dirt and sand, which increases their risks in polluted areas.

Should anti -worm medications be taken?
The medications repelling the worms are effective in treating and eliminating parasitic worms infection, however, many of these drugs are commonly used that have significant side effects and should not be used routinely to prevent parasitic worms infection.
These medications should be used only if you are diagnosed with cylindrical worms or a plastic worm in this case, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate medicine for you.

Do not take an anti -worm drug without discussing its use with your doctor.
How do I protect myself and my family?
Worms get rid of your pets by a veterinarian is a basic first step. Small pets are most at risk of developing this infection. The veterinarian can help in setting a timeline for testing and treating your pets as needed.

Use preventive medications on your pets to prevent them from infection and thus reduce the risk of infection, talk with your veterinarian to determine the best strategy and medicines for your pet.
Clean after your pet by getting rid of stool in a bag, it is important to clean your garden at least once a week to reduce the risk of pollution.
Do good personal hygiene habits and always wash your hands after playing abroad or with your pet, this is especially important to do so before eating.

Pay attention to your children and pets when they interact with each other..

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