How to check lung cancer … when is it necessary?

How to check lung cancer … when is it necessary?

Lung cancer is one of the most prominent cancerous diseases that many suffer from, so it is always advised to examine and conduct the necessary tests to check on the health of the lung, and according to the Hopkinsmedicine website, early examination helped reduce the rate of lung cancer, and early diagnosis means that patients can be treated more effectively, Which increases their chances of survival.

Who must be examined?
Any 55 -year -old or older person currently smoking or smoking for more than 30 years is a candidate for lung cancer examination when doing this annually, any deformities can be detected and investigated.
The computerized tomography examination is a low dose of the most secure and effective lung cancer examination, and it takes about five minutes and can discover signs of early stages of lung cancer that are often missed by X -rays.

What happens if something is found?
If anomalies are detected, there are slight incursions procedures that allow doctors to determine whether the node is cancerous or not, and a committee of lung cancer specialists review each case and work with each patient separately to determine the best care course..

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