Freedom and change in Sudan: There is an opportunity for a framework agreement with the army

Freedom and change in Sudan: There is an opportunity for a framework agreement with the army

The Freedom and Change Forces in Sudan confirmed that there is an opportunity for a framework agreement with the Sudanese army, noting that a second stage of talks will be launched that will address the transitional justice in the country.
While Sudanese military sources reported that understandings with the Freedom Forces were reached, pointing out that there are some outstanding items, according to “Reuters”.

The Central Council for the Freedom and Change Alliance held a press conference today, Wednesday, after the end of its meeting held to discuss observations of the military component on the transitional constitution and the negotiating framework of the political process.
While the Arab sources/Al -Hadath revealed that the coalition meeting authorized its work plan to complete a framework agreement on the issues agreed upon in the transitional constitution.

The sources indicated that the coalition decided to postpone the outstanding issues for more consultation to agree on it with the stakeholders, to sign the final agreement after the completion of the consultations.
The most prominent outstanding issues are transitional justice, the security and military reform process and the peace process.
In turn, the leader of the war and change/the Central Council, Yasser Arman, said that there is an opportunity to wave the horizon to end the status quo.

He added that the political process is now possible because there is a close document, noting that the political process will be in two parts.
The first with a framework agreement, and the second stage to address four cases that are involved in the stakeholders.
He also stressed that they are open to the forces of the revolution, pointing out that they will not sign a final agreement until after consulting with the stakeholders.

The Vice -President of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, Muhammad Hamdan Daglo, had previously confirmed today that the council is adhering to the consensus between the political parties in Sudan, stressing the desire of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council to reach an agreement to complete the transitional period and hold elections.

A statement issued by the Council quoted Dqllo as saying during the meeting of Commissioner Volcker Turk that protecting civilians and respecting their basic rights is at the forefront of the state’s priorities, calling on international institutions to enhance the mechanisms of cooperation and coordination with the Sudanese government to contribute to the return of the displaced voluntary to their original areas. For the success of the political process that represents a Sudanese affair.

It is noteworthy that the past weeks have witnessed an atmosphere of optimism about the approach of reaching a solution more than a year after the political blockage that took control of the country, expressed by the UN envoy Volker Bertz, as well The opposition issued by some poles in the forces of freedom and change, the main component of the opposition civil authority.

Sudan, which is one of the poorest countries in the world, is still steeped since October 25, 2021, when the army imposed exceptional measures and the dissolution of the previous government, in political and economic recession, despite all international endeavors to launch dialogue sessions that lead to a solution between civilians and military personnel..

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