Beware … dangerous foods that may be classified as “drugs”

Beware … dangerous foods that may be classified as “drugs”

Scientists believe that highly processed foods must be reclassified as drugs because they cause addiction and harm like cigarettes. Researchers claim that elements such as cakes, sweetened grains and pizza meet the official standards that set cigarettes as an anesthetic in the nineties.
This causes compulsive use and change of mood affects the brain, and possessing properties or ingredients that enhance addiction or provokes the desire.

Ultra -treated foods – which also include things like soda, potato chips, pastries and sweets – contain large amounts of abnormal flavors, preservatives and localities.
These properties give them a delicious flavor – but also make them rich in calories, fats, sugar or salt, which increases the risk of obesity and other chronic diseases.
Researchers led by Dr. Ashley Gerahardt, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, told Dailymail.

com that these foods are very similar to a drug due to their distance in taste and texture from natural foods.
“These are industrial materials designed to connect sugar and fat,” said Dr. Alexandra Devilistenonio, a professor of health behaviors at Virginia University of Technology.
“They are no longer foods. These products are well designed to transport addictions.

Scientists want to restrict the marketing of these foods for children, in the same way that nicotine ads cannot be directed to children, but they have not reached the point of demanding a complete ban on age.
The obesity crisis in America was largely associated with the spread of ultra -manufactured foods. Foods are believed to make up about 50 percent of the American diet.

As a result, about 70 percent of Americans suffer from obesity according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with 40 percent classification as being obese.
Dr. Chared warned that even people who have a healthy weight are still at risk of cancer and other problems of fast food.
Foods have been tied to a jump in diseases such as colon, rectum, kidney, and Alzheimer’s in the United States, among other diseases.

The continuous rise in blood sugar, through eating sugary foods, can lead to diabetes.
A shocking study published in September and found that early breast, colon and pancreas cancer rates are high in the world that these foods are the perpetrator.
Brazilian researchers published a study earlier this week indicating that one in five early deaths in the South America country were associated with processed foods.
Now, experts call for organizing it in a similar way to nicotine..

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