Before the winter approaches … the benefits of turmeric tea to prevent colds and influenza

Before the winter approaches … the benefits of turmeric tea to prevent colds and influenza

With the approaching winter, influenza, fever and other common diseases are increasing for this reason, doctors and nutritionists stress the need to maintain our healthy diet and feed it in the winter, they propose to include hot drinks, seasonal products, herbs and healthy spices in our daily meals. Turmeric is one of the common ingredients that you find Its way to our winter diet, according to the “Food. ndtv” website.

Turmeric is considered a popular spice in the kitchen, and it was part of the traditional medical practice throughout the ages, because the component is loaded with antioxidants, antivirals, anti -inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help us to recover from the inside, turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which, according to the book “Healing Foods “issued by DK Pubinging, helps prevent damage to free radicals and infections in the body.

The health benefits of turmeric:
Curcumin in turmeric helps to get rid of toxins and enhance immunity health against seasonal diseases. The chemicals in turmeric are prescribed to help us recover from colds, winter sinuses and joint pain.
It is known that its anti -bacterial and virus properties provide us with comfort from sore throat during the season.

Turmeric is a heat -generating spice that may help enhance the optimal performance of the cells, which makes you feel warm from the inside, and here is how to include it in our daily diet.
Here’s a soothing turmeric tea recipe for her experience:
This herbal tea is healthy and easy to prepare and provides you with many basic nutrients for public health, and the best part is that this private turmeric tea recipe includes the benefits of ginger, black pepper and honey as well.

All you have to do is add all the ingredients (except honey) in hot water and boil well, filter the tea in a cup and mix some honey in it and eat it..

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