Athens announces Iran’s release of the two Greek oil carriers seized in May

Athens announces Iran’s release of the two Greek oil carriers seized in May

Al-Madinah News:- The Greek Commercial Ministry of Commerce announced today, Wednesday, that Iran has released the two oil-raising oil transporters that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard had detained them in May in response to the detention of Athens, an Iranian oil carrier.
“After months of talks with Iran, (Iran) left today, the Prodent Warrior and Delta Poseidon, who raised the Greek flag, and have been held since May 27,” the ministry said. The two ships were released in September.

Two informed sources had told Reuters today, Wednesday, that Greece and Iran had reached an agreement to release two carriers raising the Greek flag, detained by Tehran in the Gulf.
Ship tracking data showed that the two ships Delta Poseidon and Brodent and Warrior are on their way out of Iran.
The Greek Greek TV station “ERT” had stated, earlier, that the two Greek oil tankers confronted by Iran in the Gulf waters will be released last May.

In response to the Greek authorities, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards confiscated the announcement of the Greek authorities that it would transport the Iranian oil that the Russian oil tanker “Begas” was confiscated.
The carrier “Begas” was held at the request of the United States, which imposes sanctions on Iran that include oil exports.

The two Greek carriers “Delta Poseidon” and “Product Warrior”, who were 49 people, including six Greek sailors and another Cypriot, were held at sea in the Gulf waters.
The Greek Federation had said in a statement to the commercial navy, that the Iranian side agreed during a recent visit to a Greek delegation to Iran to replace the crews.

Tehran gave its approval to liberate the crews, after the Greek authorities re -confiscated the load of 100,000 tons of oil, at the end of August, to the “Lana” oil tanker, which is the new name of the “Begas” carrier.
(Reuters, France Press).

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