Al -Sisi decides to launch army companies on the stock exchange to support Egypt’s economy

Al -Sisi decides to launch army companies on the stock exchange to support Egypt’s economy

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi decided to offer army companies on the stock exchange to support the Egyptian economy.
The Egyptian presidency announced that the president held a meeting today, Tuesday, to follow up the position of offering companies affiliated with the armed forces on the stock exchange, expanding their ownership base and attracting private sector investments.

Ambassador Bassam Radi, the official spokesman for the presidency of Egypt, also stated that President Sisi reviewed the start of procedures for offering quotas from the army companies to trade their shares on the stock exchange, especially the National Petroleum Company and Safi Company, in a way that aims to maximize the contribution of the National Service Authority with its various his companies in supporting the economy Al -Masry.

He added that these companies have great capabilities and ingredients that qualify them to contribute effectively to the comprehensive development process that the state is currently seeking in various sectors.
In a related framework, the Egyptian President continued the water position of land reclamation projects in the south of the valley, according to Egypt’s fixed water share of the Nile River revenue of 55 and a half billion cubic meters annually.

During a meeting held for this purpose, Al -Sisi reviewed today, Tuesday, attended by the Egyptian Minister of Irrigation on the volume of current works in various desert land reclamation projects at the level of the Republic, including the areas of Toshka, Al -Awainat, the new delta project and the future of Egypt.

During the meeting, the general position of the Toshka project was presented, in addition to the geographical location of the additional land spaces expected to be expanded to be reclaimed within the project, as well as related studies in both the terrain of the region, its water needs, the necessary energy sources, the validity and quality of the soil and the salinity ratio.

Al -Sisi also directed the preparation of integrated studies to select the best types of crops and crops, in a way that helps to rationalize water consumption and benefit from all its available sources in the state, and maximize the benefit from water sources according to the state’s comprehensive strategy in this framework, especially through modern irrigation systems, as well as the system of treatment stations Drainage and water desalination, as well as the greenhouse system, as well as relying on agricultural means that are commensurate with the nature of the lands and climate for each agricultural region.


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