6 ways to reduce stress and anxiety … including organizing your priorities and exercising

6 ways to reduce stress and anxiety … including organizing your priorities and exercising

Tension is part of daily life and has many behaviors such as excessive eating, smoking and sleeping a lot, or lack of sleep, and in this report we learn about 6 ways to reduce stress and anxiety, according to the “DucealthandCare” website.
Stress releases a series of reactions, as your body secretes adrenaline, a hormone that increases your breathing and heart rate and this is part of the “fighting or escape response” in your body to help deal with dangerous situations.

The effects of tension appear in several ways, which may begin to feel headache, back pain, stomach pain and muscle tension, in addition to that energy levels decrease and sleep patterns are affected.
In many cases, you may feel feelings such as anxiety, anger, depression, irritation, patience and forgetfulness.
Ways to help manage daily stress more effectively.

Go to family and friends, or even a psychotherapist, to discuss things in your life that sometimes causes you stress, and a new perspective can enlighten you on the situation and provide you with solutions that you may not see in another way.
2. Exercise regularly
Whether it is a high -density intermittent training, walking in the garden, or biking, exercise calls “good hormones” that can help you relax and relieve physical and mental tension.

Deep breathing
Deep breathing and yoga are just a few types of contemplative practices that reduce stress, and these activities can help liquidate your mind and help focus on problems in your life, and these activities will also help get better sleep, which is important in maintaining stress.
4. A healthy diet
A good balance of vitamins, minerals and energy maintains a healthy weight, and reducing caffeine.

Keep an organizer
The reason for a lot of your daily stress can be the appointments or forgotten items, crowded calendars and unhealthy eating during navigation, etc. Plans in advance arranging backpacks, bags and clothes the night before.
Set a place at home for important paper and mail. Use the weekend to prepare healthy meals for the week so that there is no excuse to eat fast food.

Practicing positive self -talk
Instead of resorting to the mentality “I cannot do this”, think about “I will do my best” and then accept that what you can do is good enough, realize the positives in your life and around you. Try to communicate more with the simple pleasures of life..

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