Who sabotages the historical places in America, who is imprisoned? .. I know the story

Who sabotages the historical places in America, who is imprisoned? .. I know the story

In 2019, two men who mutilated the “White River Strait”, a rocky runway that contains the largest concentrations of rock art in prehistoric times in Nevada, America, was imprisoned last week, where their actions violated the Archaeological Resources Protection Law, an American law calling To impose sanctions on sabotage or looting of archaeological sites on public lands.

The White River Strait is included in the national record of historical places, and is famous for winding valleys and huge rock exhibitions spread over an area of ​​4000 acres just two hours north of Las Vegas. The history of rock inscriptions dates back to approximately 4000 years and the nineteenth century, as they portray high -style perceptions of animals and people, as well as abstract designs, such as spirals and waves.

“No response or reform can nullify the damage caused by those who ruin a sacred and historical position like the White River Strait, but this ruling shows that such crimes will not be met with a blow to the wrist,” said US Public Prosecutor, Jason M Freerson, to the Nevada region in Pia. .
The judge continued: “Our office will continue to work to ensure that any person who defiles the holy tribal lands and antiques is held accountable.

” Vandalism began to appear between (September) 2019 and 8 (October) 2019, and both men were sentenced to November 4, and the land management office in the case achieved the implementation of legal penalties for sabotage of prehistoric sites. After admitting guilt earlier this year in June on charges of misdemeanor and a felony violation, Jonatone Pavon was sentenced to one year and one day imprisonment.

Pavon spray drew a mark of approximately 20 feet in his name “Chlor” on a rock plate, Daniel Plata was sentenced to 4 months in prison and 8 months in home detention for drawing smaller signs in the name of “Veoror” all over the site..

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