Who is King Tuthmosis III?

Who is King Tuthmosis III?

Tuthmosis the III is the sixth pharaoh of the eighteenth family, the greatest rule of Egypt and one of the most powerful emperors in history, where he established a modern Egyptian empire at that time and that empire remained until about 1070 BC until the eleventh reign of Ramses.

Tuthmosis the third is called the Abu Empires, as well as the name of the first emperor in history, as it is considered one of the outstanding genius in the history of the military throughout the ages, and his military plans are studied in many colleges and military institutes around the world and he is the first to divide the army into heart and two wings, and the empire was used The British has many plans in its battles, especially in its battles against the Ottoman Empire in the First World War.

The book “The Pharaohs of Warmed . . . Diplomats and Military” by Dr. Hussein Abdel -Basir, that Tuthmosis the third remained in the shadow for a long time until the absence or exclusion of Queen Hatshepsut from the political scene in the country, and the lion came out of his larda to show us the legendary personality of King Tuthmosis III, registered glory Military Egypt blocked in letters of light and Azaz in all the world’s military colleges and academies.

“Tuthmosis III” engraved the view of a crowning king of Egypt on the walls of the Karnak Temple in a wonderful ceremony such as a representative description in front of those fictional stories that we read or see on the white screen according to the ancient Egypt Encyclopedia of Salim Hassan.

According to the encyclopedia, the “Meglaso” site in which Tuthmosis the Third fought the armies of the Syrian alliance under the command of the Qadash ruler, the first war battle in the history of the ancient world, which have remained reminders of it. This is due to the diaries left by Tuthmosis the third on one of the walls of the Karnak Temple..

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