The Iraqi President: We seek to reach a fair sharing of water

The Iraqi President: We seek to reach a fair sharing of water

Iraqi President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid stated that his country seeks to understand with Turkey, Iran and Syria with the aim of reaching a fair sharing of water between them.

The Iraqi President said, in an article published by the government newspaper “Al -Sabah” issued today: “Through our academic specialization and our local and international experience from our website as President of the Republic, we have made a lot before us to support the Ministry of Water Resources, by understanding with the Turkish, Iranian and Syrian authorities, in order to reach To understandings and agreements that secure a fair sharing of water, and this is not impossible.

He stated that the water problem “constitutes a permanent concern for the Iraqis because of the danger of life, economy and the environment, and the control of our water security will be a strategic and important economic and environmental security by controlling efforts between the presidency of the republic and the government.

For years, Iraq has been witnessing a bad water situation after Turkey has reduced the Iraq water share in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and that the Iranian authorities change the course of a number of rivers feeding the Tigris River, which negatively affected the water storage as well as the climatic changes that caused the lack of rain..

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