The International Media Investment Company «IMI» appoints Maher Shamitli as editor -in -chief of the new CNN Economic platform

The International Media Investment Company «IMI» appoints Maher Shamitli as editor -in -chief of the new CNN Economic platform

The “CNN Economic” platform, planned to launch before the end of the year under the management of the International Investment Company IMI and the CNN network, announced the appointment of prominent journalist Maher Shammli to head its editor -in -chief, after he was director of the urgent news center for the Middle East and North Africa at Reuters news agency.

This step comes within the preparations of IMI to launch the new economic platform and support it with cadres and competencies from the expertise and distinguished performance of managing the platform and ensuring its success and competitiveness globally.

The new editor-in-chief has extensive experience in the field of journalism in the Arab region that extends to 25 years, where he took many tasks, including the management of the French News Agency office (AFP) in Syria between 2000-2002, as well as the management of the Gulf Office and the Arab East of Bloomberg during the period in the year 2009-2014, where he contributed to the establishment of a regional center in Dubai, then a correspondent of Bloomberg to OPEC in 2013, and Maher joined the Reuters news agency in 2015 where he managed the agency’s office in Iraq and covered the war on ISIS there.

On this occasion, Nart Boran, CEO of the International Investment Company, said: “We have a clear goal that the new“ CNN Economic ”platform is the best specialized platform for Arabic speakers around the world, and to achieve this goal, we are working to provide all the components The necessary requirements, including the application of the best media practices, and to attract the most prominent press cadres in the Arab world, and we are all confident that Maher Shammli has the expertise and qualifications necessary for success, and we wish him success in his new tasks.

For his part, Maher Shammli, editor -in -chief of the “CNN Economic” platform, said: “I am proud to join the team of this platform and work under the umbrella of a prominent media identity such as CNN and its global network, and my focus will be in the coming period to prepare and implement the editorial strategy of the platform, and prepare to launch it The expected before the end of the year, and the formation of a working group at the highest level to provide a global economic news content that amounts to the aspirations of the Arabic -speaking public around the world, in addition to providing reliable analyzes of useful economic news for both investors, entrepreneurs and financial markets, depending on a distinguished elite of journalists And international experts to provide reliable news and supported by important data to the public.


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